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Gratitude... Wiley University Induction Ceremony (2023)

Aug 7
Marshall, TX

I open this ceremony with a few words to express my gratitude. Almost six (6) years ago, I began my journey at Wiley University. Like you, I came to this sacred place, excited for the opportunity. It was new to me, this city of Marshall, TX, this College… I wondered what this amazing place had to offer, I wondered what it would be like, more specifically, what was possible here… at Wiley University.

I am excited to tell you, after almost six (6) years as Wiley University President & CEO, and as I officially welcome you, that this place can change your life if you commit to it. 

Some of you have come here as a recent high school graduate, or an adult learner, but each of you will have the opportunity to leave here as a scholar, but that is up to you. I won’t bore you with the countless people who have come to this place before you or remind you of our most famous graduates because you will hear those names repeatedly on this journey. Today, I am asking you to consider that one day, your name will be known throughout the walls of Wiley University and beyond. It is no mistake that you have arrived here today, at this time, during this moment. It is what is supposed to be. 

You being here is what is supposed to be. 

And for that reason, you must understand that you have a great opportunity, but it is up to you! 

As you prepare to be inducted into the Wiley University Family, remember the purpose of today is to officially welcome you to one of the most sacred institutions in the world, Wiley University. We induct you through this ceremony, so that you can understand that this institution chose you as its newest incoming class, we induct you to signal that this is a family, your new academic family. We induct you so that you will never forget the brilliance that you are and that you aspire to become. This is the place where we commit to making your dreams come true, take this journey with us, Go Forth Inspired.