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Gloria Mitchell
Academic Affairs

The Unit of Student Records places service to students and faculty first among its priorities, recognizing these persons as the office’s primary constituency.  As primary information resource for students and faculty, this office actively seeks ways to effectively communicate and to inform students of their rights, responsibilities and procedures.

Acting as a watcher and conscience for the University, this office balances the perceived interests of the university administration and its own constituents to ensure that policies and procedures are fully executed in a manner that is compassionate and sensitive to the needs of those the University seeks to serve.

The Unit of Student Records pledges to be an exemplary model within the college for service and execution of duty.  The highest quality of service is sought through the performance of its staff in accordance with the values articulated in the Ethics of the Unit of Student Records.

Resources (ADD DOWNLOADS) old office of the registrar website

Approval has been granted to confer degrees three times a year:  Fall (December), May (Spring) and August (Summer).

Please Note: Graduation Fees are Non-Refundable

Please complete the Graduation Application, obtain the required signatures and submit to the Unit of Student Records/Registrar’s Office as soon as possible.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)​ is a Federal law that is administered by the Family Policy Compliance Office in the U.S. Department of Education (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99), which prohibits the unauthorized release of confidential information about individual students. It affords students certain rights with respect to their education records: (1) Access to Education Records, (2) Request for Amendment of Education Records, (3) Disclosure of Education Records, and (4) Right to File a Complaint.

View the FERPA Disclosure Statement

Graduation Fee Payment

Request For Graduation Clearance

The college electronically submits enrollment certifications to VA Once upon the start of the semester for those students who have completed the registration process.  (After 12th class day for traditional students and the first class period for non-traditional students)

Each student is required to present to the Unit of Student Records/Registrar a Certificate of Eligibility on initial entry to the college or when they become eligible to receive benefits.

Once the student has presented the Certificate of Eligibility and completed the Veteran’s Certification Request Form (required each semester of enrollment) our office submits a request to VA Once to certify the semester’s enrollment.

Payment of benefits begins when the enrollment certification has been process by VA, which can take a significant amount of time.  Student will not receive benefits immediately and should be prepared for the standard processing time.

Chapter 30:         Montgomery GI Bill®

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

Chapter 33:         Post 9/11 GI Bill®

“GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

Chapter 35:         Survivors and Dependents

It is the students responsibility to notify the Veterans’ School Certifying Official if they add or drop  any courses, withdraw from the University, change majors, or have any other changes in their enrollment status or registration.

The Veteran’s Certification Request Form can be accessed by selecting the link below:

Academic Dishonesty
Students who choose to attend Wiley University are expected to adhere to high academic standards established to promote responsibility, trust and respect. Therefore, students are required to act with integrity. Wiley University believes that knowledge without character is perilous; therefore, the University insists on behavior above reproach in pursuit of academic excellence. The University, therefore, will not tolerate academic dishonesty or improper behavior.

Wiley University defines academic dishonesty as “an act or attempted act, of giving or obtaining aid and/or information by illicit means in meeting any academic requirements, including examinations.” It also includes any form of cheating, plagiarism, falsification of records and/or collusion. Students are expected to refrain from cheating which includes, but is not necessarily limited to, copying from another’s test or quiz paper; using supplementary materials (calculators, notes, books, etc.) not authorized by the examiner/instructor; substitution for another student in taking a test; using, buying, selling, stealing, soliciting, transporting, or removing in whole or in part an unadministered test or key information regarding same. Also, falsifying records such as alteration of grades or other records will not be tolerated.

Plagiarism and collusion will not be tolerated. Plagiarism is the submission or incorporation of someone else’s work without permission and/or appropriate acknowledgement. Collusion is collaboration with another person or persons in preparing projects, take-home examinations or tests, etc., without proper authorization.

Penalties for academic dishonesty may include:

§  a warning;

§  assigning an “F” for a test;

§  assigning an “F” for a course;

§  assigning an “F” grade for all courses enrolled in for the semester;

§  assigning a status of academic probation.

Academic Honors
Students who have demonstrated exceptional academic performance are honored each spring semester by the institution. Each semester the Office of Records/Registrar publishes a roster of returning students who, in the previous semester, have earned the semester averages shown below while carrying a full load (12 hours or above):

§  Presidential Scholar – grade point average of 3.80 – 4.00

§  Dean’s Scholar – grade point average of 3.50 – 3.79

§  Faculty Scholar – grade point average of 3.30 – 3.49

(The University has a different standard for considering a graduating student as an honors graduate; see section on graduation with honors in the University Catalog.)

Academic Load
Although twelve (12) semester hours is considered a full load, a normal academic load for a student is fifteen (15) to eighteen (18) semester hours per semester. A student may take up to 21 semester hours with the approval of the appropriate division chair, academic area coordinator, and advisor, provided that the student has maintained a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or above and agrees to pay the excessive course load fee. Students on academic probation will be required to take a reduced load not to exceed twelve (12) semester hours. Under extenuating circumstances, a student may be allowed to take
three (3) additional semester hours while student teaching, with the approval of the Chair of the Division of Education and the Director of Teacher Education. Students enrolling in fewer than twelve (12) semester hours are classified as part-time students. A student who is classified as part-time must check with the Financial Aid Office to ensure eligibility for financial aid.

Academic Probation and Suspension
Any student who is not making satisfactory academic progress at the completion of any one semester is subject to academic probation, and remains on academic probation as long as the cumulative grade point average is less than 1.75 for freshmen and sophomores and 2.00 for juniors and seniors.

Juniors and seniors should maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 at the end of each semester. Failure to make satisfactory academic progress (being on continuous probation) for two consecutive semesters will result in academic suspension for one semester, and the student loses financial aid.

Acceptance of Transfer Credits
In general, it is the University’s policy to accept course credit earned at institutions fully accredited by their regional accrediting association. Credit earned at colleges and universities that have become candidates for accreditation by a regional association is acceptable for credit in a manner similar to that from regionally accredited colleges if the credit is applicable to a degree program at Wiley University.

In addition to the above, the following guidelines are also used by the University to determine if transfer credit will be accepted:

§  Credit will be accepted for individual courses for which a grade of C or better was earned.

§  Courses must be college level and not remedial or developmental.

§  Credit for non-traditional learning experiences such as the armed services will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and in accordance with the recommendations of the American council on Education (ACE). In awarding credit for non-traditional learning, the college will review and evaluate documents such as certificates, publication, test scores, licenses, job performance appraisals, and the like and award credit if the assessment identifies the learning as creditable, relevant and college level.

Change of Address/Name/SSN
There are two major considerations involved in implementing name changes; on the one hand, the desire to accommodate student wishes; on the other hand, the need to safeguard the integrity of the transcript. There are two additional considerations which may also factor in: state law and the configuration of your Student Information System.

A student may change their address, name, social security number by filling out a “Change of data request form” and submitting certified documentation to the Unit of Student Records.

Documentation needed:

§  Certified copy of a marriage license, court order, or dissolution decree reflecting the new name in full

§  OR, for non-US citizens: Current passport or official proof of identity, certified by a US embassy abroad or by the appropriate foreign embassy in the US

Change of Grades
All course grades except “I” grades are intended to be final and permanent. It is expected that faculty will arrive at and report final grades as accurately and precisely as the nature of the evaluation of student achievement and the grading system will permit. It is considered the faculty’s direct and personal responsibility to ensure that grades are fair and reported correctly the first time. Final grades cannot be improved by ‘make-up’ work, after the end of the term and after grades are submitted.

If an error occurs in the calculation or recording of a grade, it can be corrected using the following procedures:

The faculty of record will complete the Change of Grade Form, which must include:

§  The student’s name, student number, course designation by title and number,
semester, and the change desired.

§  A statement unequivocally identifying the person who made the error, and
explaining the nature of the error.

§  An explanation of how the new grade was computed.

The form must have the signature of the area coordinator and division chair, and must be forwarded to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Requests for grade corrections must be submitted to the Office of Records/Registrar within nine weeks of the next regular enrollment period.

No grade will be changed after twelve (12) months or after a student’s graduation except in cases where the grade is successfully appealed. Students must appeal in writing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs within six (6) months following graduation.

Class Attendance
Class attendance is regarded as an obligation. Regular class attendance is important to the attainment of the educational goals of the student and the University. Therefore, students are required to be on time and to attend classes regularly. Each instructor must keep accurate and permanent records of class attendance to support grades awarded. The attendance policy is included in the course syllabus and explained at the beginning of each semester by the instructor. Students are allowed one unexcused absence for each semester hour credit for the course. For example, if the course offers three semester’s hours of credit, the student will be allowed three unexcused absences. If the student is absent more than six times (excluding) absences due to representing the University and illness), the student then will receive an automatic “F” in the 22 course, or the student may be officially dropped by the teacher from the course. An absence due to a student representing the University is counted as an excused absence. (NOTE: All students representing the University must maintain at least a “C” average per semester.)

Absence from class, excused or unexcused, does not relieve any student of the responsibility for completing assignments. The student is responsible for arranging for make-up work with the instructor of record prior to departure from campus. The college attendance counselor notes each absence reported by the faculty and investigates the cause. Additionally, the attendance counselor works with the student to correct problems giving rise to poor class attendance.

Any student who is dropped from a course for excessive absences will be notified officially in writing by the Office of Records/Registrar after the drop has been approved by the division chair and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Class Schedule Adjustments
Students may adjust schedules by adding and/or dropping classes or by withdrawing. Specific procedures and deadlines must be followed in making these changes. A student may drop or add a course with the approval of the advisor and division chair during the approved add/drop period designated in the academic calendar.

Course Repeat Policy
A course may be repeated at Wiley University for the purpose of improving academic standing. If a course is repeated once, the second grade replaces the first in computing the grade point average, but the first grade will not be erased. A course can be repeated to improve academic standing only once without the permission of the division chair. Financial Aid cannot be used by students to retake courses in which they have already earned a “C” or better grade. If a student chooses to take a course in which a “C” or better has already been earned, the credit hours and grade of both courses will be used to calculate the semester and cumulative averages. Courses taken to meet degree requirements are counted only once.

Credit by Examination
Academic credit may be earned by means of a departmental examination or by means of a standardized examination such as the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Credit is not permitted for courses previously taken for credit or audit. Credit earned by examination may not be used to reduce the requirement that 25 percent of the semester credit hours required for degree completion must be earned through instruction at Wiley University.

Credit for Military Service
Veterans with at least one year of military service may be allowed a maximum of six (6) semester hours credit in health and physical education in accordance with the recommendations of the Commission on Accreditation of Service Experiences. In addition, if a veteran is seeking admission to the University’s Evening and Weekend Program, including the Organizational Management and post-baccalaureate programs, the candidate may qualify for credit for prior learning experiences. Veterans should submit official copies of service records for evaluation prior to initial matriculation.

Dropping Courses
Students shall attend classes in which they are enrolled unless they are officially dropped from the class roll by means of the official drop/add form signed by the major advisor, division chair, and registrar. (Students are advised to consult the academic calendar for specified deadline dates for dropping a course.) The student is responsible for making any adjustment in his/her class schedule. A fee will be charged for dropping or adding a course. Drop procedures must be completed by 5:00 p.m. on the deadline date specified in the academic calendar.

Failure of the student to officially drop a course will result in a grade of “F”. A course is not considered officially dropped until the student returns the signed add/drop form to the Office of Records/Registrar.

Grade Appeal
The grade appeal process must be initiated by the student with the instructor within nine weeks after the grade is awarded. If this attempt does not prove satisfactory, the aggrieved student may take the matter to the division chair and subsequently, to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for resolution. The appeal should be in writing, and should contain all pertinent facts including copies of papers, grades, and the like.

When a student finds it necessary to discontinue enrollment at any time other than at the end of a semester, the student must complete a withdrawal form obtained from the Office of Records/Registrar. The student must clear all Wiley University accounts as listed on the form. When enrolled for a regular semester, a student may not withdraw during the last two calendar weeks prior to the first day of final examinations.

When a student leaves Wiley University at any time during the semester without filling out a Withdrawal Form and without clearing all accounts, the student will receive a grade of “F” in all courses. Further, the student will forfeit all rights to a statement of honorable dismissal, thereby jeopardizing re-admission to Wiley University, or transferring to another accredited institution. Proper procedure for withdrawing from Wiley includes the following steps:

§  Secure and complete withdrawal form. Forms are available in the Office of Records/Registrar.

§  Complete exit interview with the University Retention Counselor.

§  File completed withdrawal form with the Office of Records/Registrar.

Documents & Forms

Graduation Fee Payment