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La'Keisha Singleton
Learning Support Specialist
Information Systems and Technology
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Wiley University has shifted to a technology-focused learning experience. Students will use devices for assignments, group projects, and co-curricular experiences, enhancing their overall outcomes. 

Additionally, all students will be able to learn and earn iWiley badges and certifications that can enhance their skills and resumes in preparation for their careers, graduate/professional schools, and beyond.

All students and teaching faculty are required to engage in the iWiley Digital Learning Initiative and use the tools in the classroom and course learning environment to enhance teaching and participation in the learning process.

Students who have completed the Wiley Enrollment Clearance process and earned their iWiley Certification by August 5, 2024, are eligible to receive the iWiley Technology Bundle. Distribution is scheduled to begin July 23, 2024.


The iWiley Digital Learning Hub is located in the Thomas W. Cole Library. This location is for pick-up, training, repairs, and other support for the initiative. 

Ms. LaKiesha Singleton:  iWiley Digital Learning Hub Coordinator 


If you missed the various certifications scheduled, prior to August 15, then you will be required to go to the iWiley Digital Learning Hub and sign up for a final opportunity to participate in the certification experience. Students who fail to attend a certification experience will not receive an iPad.

While supplies last, the accessories included with your iPad Air are the 2nd generation Apple Pencil and Smart Keyboard. 

Note: iWiley Digital Learning Initiative does not provide additional accessories like a screen protector or Apple Pencil Holder. Students will need to supply extra accessories. Please also keep your boxes to return the items if they are damaged or returned. 

If you have a damaged (normal wear and tear) or non-functioning Wiley University-assigned iPad or accessory that needs replacing, complete and submit the Request for Replacement Form and bring your device to the iWiley Digital Hub, to start the process. Please do not take the device to the Apple Store for replacement. All iWiley Tech Bundle (iPad) replacements are handled by the iWiley Digital Learning Initiative at Wiley University. 

If you have lost your device or your device was stolen, you are required to pay Wiley University the cost of replacement at the current market rate. If it is stolen, you will also need to file a police report with Campus Police and Security. 

If possible, perform an iCloud backup of your iPad to preserve any information on the device. Visit, to learn how to access iCloud. 

Note: Only technology provided by iWiley Technology Program can be replaced. iWiley Technology Program is not responsible for lost technology; the student will need to replace it.

In-person: The iWiley Program Help Desk is located inside Thomas W. Cole Library. Be sure to bring the iPad and all related accessories, the Request to Return Form, and the receipt of Apple Care payment.

  • Support Center Hours: Monday – Friday

 8 AM – 5 PM. 

  • Repairs are covered by Apple Care. You will be charged $49. Either can be paid through the Wiley University business office via credit card, check, cash, or money order. 

Be sure to include the iPad, Apple Pencil, Apple Keyboard Case, the Request to Return iPad Form, and the tracking form. You can use any carrier. 

Mailing Address:

Wiley University

Thomas W. Cole Library

℅ iWiley Digital Learning Initiative

711 Wiley Avenue

Marshall, TX 

In an emergency, you may return to Campus Police and Security with a Request to Return iPad form. Please do not return to any other entities on campus. 

If you are shipping the bundle back to the iWiley Digital Learning Program at the Thomas W. Cole Library, you will need to drop it off with the shipper first before filling out the return to campus form. Submit the carrier and tracking information with this form.

****Please note you must return your iPad Tech Bundle in working order. Items returned that are damaged, will be charged for the Apple Care fee, or the cost of the item. 

The iPad is considered a university property until your graduation. Upon graduation from Wiley University, ownership will transfer to you. If you leave the university for any reason prior to graduation, you are expected to return your iPad or purchase it at its depreciation value. You may not sell or otherwise change ownership of the iPad at any time.

Students may buy the iPad kit if they transfer or withdraw from Wiley University. To purchase, you will need the device serial number and the completed purchase request. 

The cost to purchase is based on the Depreciated Value Chart. The chart can be found at

To track the progress, a request via IT support ticket must be submitted. Payment should be made to the Business Office to ensure you will not be charged the full price of the bundle. The process can take up to 7 business days. After the completion of these steps, the device management system will be removed, and ownership will be assigned to you.

All iPads distributed to new students as part of the iWiley Digital Learning Initiative contain the "This iPad is supervised and managed by Wiley University" message.

When a student graduates or purchases their iPad Bundle, the University no longer manages it. The new owner will receive a notification that the device management has been removed, and the message will remain visible until the device is reset.

When will this change take place?

The MDM software will be removed from your device after graduating or purchasing your device from Wiley University.

What do I need to do?

During this time, your iPad must remain powered on, connected to Wi-Fi, and charging until the removal process is complete.

Removing the MDM Profile requires the iPad to be reset to its factory state. Upon graduating, you will lose all of your data. (Please use the cloud to back up services.)

NOTE: After the reset is complete, set up the iPad as a new iPad. Restoring from a backup will reinstall the MDM profile.