Join us for the Spring 2025 Honors Convocation featuring Mr. Brandon Simmons, Entrepreneur in Residence, delivering his inspiring message:“God Gave You A Powerful Mind.” Don’t miss this powerful celebration of academic achievement. Click here to learn more and join us!

Mr. George Stiell, CPA, is the Senior Vice President for Business and Finance & Chief Financial Officer at Wiley College, where his role was integral in the college’s reaffirmation of full SACSCOC institutional accreditation. He believes institutions of higher learning with stronger financial standing provide better school choice for African American students. As an expert in the field of finance with a passion for financial education and literacy, Mr. Stiell has over twenty years of experience in the areas of Accounting, Education, Finance, Real Estate Sales & Development, Business Consulting and Process Management. A member of both the American and the Florida Institutes of Certified Public Accountants, he serves a vast span of clients as managing member of George Stiell CPA, LLC.

From nonprofit organizations, corporations and small businesses to partnerships and individuals, Mr. Stiell’s mission as a servant leader has remained the same – to empower colleges and universities, African-American owned businesses and members of our community to be financially responsible and obtain financial freedom. Awarded as the 2016 Emerging Business of the Year from the African American Chamber of Commerce in Central Florida, he is intentional in educating and equipping one person, business and academic institution at a time. A current member of National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO), Mr. Stiell serves as an industry expert on a committee of 26 schools working to find equitable ways to level the educational playing field. He also presented findings and led a session at the Council for Independent Colleges’ 2022 Institute for Chief Academic Officers with Chief Financial and Chief Enrollment Officers. He obtained a BS in Finance from the University of Alabama and a Masters of Taxation from Florida State University. Mr. Stiell is a 25-year member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., also serving a term as Polemarch. He has been married to his wife, Robbi, for 27 years. They have an 18-year-old son, Garret, who will enter Morehouse College in the fall majoring in Applied Physics with a dual degree in Environmental Engineering. When not spending time with family, you can find Mr. Stiell cooking, listening to jazz or on the golf course.