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Graduate Hub

Commencement Checklist

  • Be in good academic and financial standing.

  • Has completed program of study for an academic major.

  • Candidate must comply with requirements outlined for a particular major

  • Have no grade less than “C”

  • Has a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better (2.75 for teacher education candidates for all academic work)

  • (General Education Enrichment Program (Chapel)

  • Has exhibited conduct in keeping with the standards set for students

  • Complete a minimum of twenty-five (25) percent of the semester credit hours required for the degree through instruction in residence at Wiley University

  • Have Degree Plan/Recommendation submission to Registrar Office

  • Ordered cap and gown by deadline

  • Exit Loan Counseling completed, if required

  • Has been financially cleared by the Business Office.

  • Final Grades for Prospective Graduating Seniors Due to the Registrar’s Office by April 28, 2025

2025 Commencement Important Information

March 3: Last Day to Order Regalia (cap and gown)

March 14: Last day to drop course with a grade of WP (Withdrawn Passing) or WF (Withdrawn


March 14: Last day to remove an “I” incomplete grade from the previous semester

March 28: Last Day to Secure Financial Clearance for May 2025 (Fall and Spring Graduates)

April 22: Cap and Gown Pick-Up Begins

April 24-25: Final Examination Period for candidates for graduation

April 28: Final grades for prospective graduates due in MyWiley

May 2: Graduation Rehearsal, Wiley University at 1:00 pm

May 2: Last day to pick-up Cap and Gown

May 3: Commencement- Wiley University, 711 Wiley Ave., Marshall, TX 75670

·        Candidates report at 6:00 a.m.

·        Processional starts at 7:45 a.m.

·        Ceremony begins at 8:00 a.m.

·        Name card required.

Please note the following:

Students will not be allowed to participate in the Commencement Ceremony if there is still any financial obligation to the college.

How Do I Get Information about the College Ceremony and Graduation Baccalaureate?
Seniors can access the most up to date schedule of all senior activities for graduation on the Wiley Website or call the Office of the Registrar (903)927-3215.

Are tickets required for the 135th commencement ceremony?
No, everyone is invited to attend

How do I order a Cap and Gown for the Ceremony? And what office do I pick it up from?
Graduating Seniors should have all orders submitted to the Wiley College Registrar Office website. If ordered after the date designated by the Office of the Registrar, student will incur an additional fee, the fee can be paid at the Business Office. All regalia will be available to be picked up by scheduling your pick up time using the following link

Regalia can be pick up in Smith-Nooks Enrollment Management Building by appointment starting April 29, 2025.

What do I need to do before graduation?

1) You must complete and submit an application for graduation through the Wiley Website.
2) Student must meet with their Academic Advisor twice, once in the Fall and again in the Spring semester to ensure you have met all graduation requirements.
3) Complete Financial Aid or Loans Receivable Exit Interview: If you have student loans, you must complete an exit counseling session. You will need to have your Department of Education PIN to access this site. If you no longer have this PIN number, you can request a duplicate on-line. If you do not have computer access, you can stop in the Office of Financial Aid in Enrollment Services, Willis King Administration Building to complete an exit interview. If you have questions, please contact the Office of Financial Aid,, 903-927-3387 or 903-927-3252.
Your transcript will not be released if you have a remaining balance with the college

How early should my family and I arrive for the commencement ceremony?
Graduating Students: Student should arrive at Wiley University 2 hours prior to the start of ceremony to ensure all students have their placement cards and are in their proper line.
Family and Guest: The Gates at Wiley College will open to guest one hour before the start of graduation.
When will Degrees be conferred and when should I expect to receive my diploma?
The certification and conferral of your degree takes place prior to commencement on May 4, 2025.  It should be May 3, 2025. Degrees and official transcripts will be distributed immediately following commencement exercise.

If your diploma address will change after graduation, you must notify the Office of the Registrar at  If you elect to not participate in commencement exercise your degree will be mailed to the address of record. If the degree is either returned or lost, there will be an additional fee(s) of $25.00 to replace and re-send your diploma.